Professional Migrant Women Blog

Navigating the Challenges of Starting a New Job as a Migrant Professional: Managing Expectations and Embracing Growth.
Starting a new job as a migrant professional is a moment of triumph. After months or even years of cleaning toilets or serving tables, along

From Labels to Empowerment: Redefining Narratives and Creating Opportunities for Migrants
Expat or migrant? Can you spot the difference? Have you ever noticed how certain words used to describe similar things or situations can convey different

Turning Differences into Superpowers: Embracing Our Accents and Celebrating Cultural Diversity
My Accent, my superpower? One of the main fears for migrants is the way they are perceived because of their accents. While a foreign

How to write an impactful story in 500 words or less
Tips for our book writers (Submissions end 15th of July 2022) Hello PMW, We are very excited about sharing the stories of professional migrant women

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Reflections from PMW’s 1st semester 2021 Words by Bianca Oana Asanache As the new season has kicked off, we want to welcome our new mentees in

Please Don’t Ask Me About Cocaine
Words by Diana Milena Lopez Duque Australia is a wonderful country full of people of different backgrounds. Most of them are from England, India, China,