Professional Migrant Women Blog

Breaking the Silence: The Struggle of Professional Migrant Women in Seeking Help
When my husband and I arrived in Australia as skilled migrants, I was fairly confident that the transition to our new life would not be

Protecting My Mental Health During the Job Search: 7 Things That Have Helped Me
Let’s face it… In today’s technological and digital-driven world, job hunting can be nothing less than daunting. Especially when you’re a migrant woman on a

Salary Aspirations. How to Answer this Question During a Job Interview
The question about salary aspirations was always a tricky one for me to answer during a job interview. And if you are anything like me,

Preparing for Job Interviews: A Guide for Migrant Women
Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re a migrant woman who’s trying to get a foot in the door of the professional world. You

Connecting Threads of Culture: Navigating Australia’s Aboriginal Heritage as a Migrant
Professional Migration Women would like to acknowledge that we stand in unceded lands. We pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the lands on

Living between countries while building strong bridges
Growing up in Malaysia, you were immersed in a melting pot of cultures. As a kid, it didn’t matter if you were Chinese, Malay, Indian,